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“However hard life may seem, there is always something you can succeed at”

Stephen Hawking 

Our mission in the Cecil Jones Academy Sixth Form is to ensure all students depart at the end of Year 13 with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that they have been guided and supported to reach their full potential.

The ethos of the Sixth Form team is to nurture and support our students to become well-rounded and resilient adults ready to take their next steps. In preparation of these next steps into higher education and beyond, students are encouraged to be intellectually curious in all that they do as they continue to have high aspirations for their personal academic achievements. Through dynamic and engaging A level lessons, opportunities for extra curricular volunteering as well as life skills development, Cecil Jones Academy prides itself in developing students’ thirst for knowledge and self-belief.

Our welcoming and friendly community continues to be the first choice for many students selecting a Sixth Form School. Teachers have a wealth of knowledge ensuring that lessons are engaging and designed to catapult students to academic success. 

Our pastoral system acts as a supportive guide for students through the UCAS or work-related pathways. We provide students with a range of workshops to ensure they are selecting the right course or work place opportunity. Students receive regular one to one meeting with the sixth form team for tailored support and guidance. Sixth Form Students are provided with enrichment opportunities such as student tutoring, being part of the Junior Leadership Team, working with Primary schools, trips, charity fundraisers as well as Subject ambassadors, all of which instil lifelong skills. These opportunities are available for all Sixth Form Students and are an excellent chance for students to develop the skills necessary for successful applications to University and the workforce.

We look forward to seeing our Sixth Form students grow and develop into well-rounded and resilient Adults.

All Students are welcome to contact their Form Tutor, teachers or Assistant Headteacher responsible for KS5.


Mr Andrews and Miss Sear

Post 16 Team

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Dress Code

Cecil Jones Academy has a strict dress code which all members of the Sixth Form must follow.
Sixth formers are role models for the rest of the school and need to be smartly presented at all times.

You are expected to wear ‘Smart Business Dress’. For male students, this means a shirt, tie with trousers, a blazer and smart shoes. For female students, this means a shirt or blouse, a blazer, a skirt to the knee, or trousers and smart shoes. Leggings, jeggings, or tight trousers are not permitted.
It is not acceptable to wear hoodies, trainers (including vans), low cut tops, T-shirts or very short skirts or dresses for girls. If you are unable to meet the dress code due to an extenuating circumstance, a note must be written in your planner by a parent/carer. We are proud of the individual nature of our students and the way they present themselves within the dress code.
All students must at all times wear their student Cecil Jones lanyard with their ID.

Assessment & Tracking

Parents will receive formal “tracking” information at three key points in the year. This will assess how well students are doing, including the A Level grades that they are currently on.

Parents and students should use this information to help them plan their work and revision, by comparing the present grades to their target grades and the grades they need for their university choices. Some parents will be invited in for meetings with the Achievement Team Leader after the tracking, with students placed on an Achievement Support Card if necessary. These interventions are intended to help students to achieve their target grades. Any parent who would like to discuss the tracking information, or indeed discuss their son or daughter’s progress at any time, should feel welcome to contact their form tutor, teachers or ATL.

Year 13

As a school, we have two very clear priorities for Year 13:

  • All students should aim to maximise their achievement. Whatever grades they received or how many units they completed in Year 12, we expect all students to work towards the next grade up. If you are on a C, try to get a B by the end of the year. Go further, go beyond.
  • All students should complete an application to university during the autumn term via UCAS. If a student is unsure about whether they want to go to university, they should still write their application. You can always change your mind later. If you don’t write an application, then you cannot change your mind if you decide you want to go! We will support students in this UCAS process.

Students and parents are reminded that universities and employers often ask for references throughout Year 13 – including on results day in August – which will include questions about attendance and punctuality. The school can only say that attendance is “outstanding” if it is over 95%. Poor attendance and punctuality in Year 13 can seriously affect your future plans.

Please note that permission to attend extra-curricular activities will only be given if attendance to school is above 90%.