
Work Experience


The Cecil Jones Academy offers its students the opportunity to complete a one week work experience placement in Year 12 as part of their 16-19 study programme. This provides students with the opportunity to sample a working environment and develop new skills in order to assist their future career decisions or support their application to university.

Students will experience the difference between a school environment and one of work. They will work with a range of people across differing ages thus developing students’ self-confidence. It is believed that through completing work experience students will gain a greater understanding of business and enterprise skills.

The school ensures that before a placement occurs a work experience form has been completed to ensure control measures in place to reduce any known risks. If the school deems a placement to be high risk, then an alternative placement will be sought. Students must hand their work experience form to the Sixth Form Team, by the agreed deadlines, to ensure suitable time is available to complete these checks.

Students are expected to find their own placements in line with their post sixth form aspirations. But, if students need support with finding a placement, they should liaise with the Careers Lead, Mr. Seward, and Sixth Form Team who will be able to assist or offer a placement within Loxford School Trust. Students are supported in school by drop in sessions, where they will be able to meet with a designated member of staff, to discuss any aspect of the process and gain assistance. Through our comprehensive enrichment programme, students will be given further guidance on how to approach employers, write letter and share CV templates and what to do once a placement is offered.


The main objectives of work experience for Year 12 students are:

  • To allow students to experience and understand how commerce and industry operate.
  • To experience the difference in the working and school environment. 
  • To help students to see the relevance of school subjects to the world of work.
  • To help students gain greater self-confidence and maturity.
  • To enable students to find placements that are related to the career/university course they are considering and also to their subjects and, hopefully, increasing their motivation.
  • To allow them to prepare for their personal statement for their UCAS form for university applications/CV for the workplace.
  • To practice new skills including soft skills like communication and team working

Key Forms

School Placement Form

Y12 - Work Experience - Placement Form 2025

Key Dates for 2024-2025

  • The work experience week will be Monday 14th July 2025 to Friday 18th July 2025
  • School deadline for return of placement form: Wednesday 23rd April 2025

For more information on the benefits of a work experience placement, then visit the National Careers Service website here.

National Careers Service website