A warm welcome from the SEND department
We would like to welcome you to our SEND department here at Cecil Jones Academy. These pages will give you an insight into the values and work of the department and how inclusion is at the heart of everything we do.
I work closely with our Trust Director of SEND, Denzil Faure and the team of Learning Support Assistants (LSAs). This is key to determine the strategic development of the SEND policy and provision in the school in order to raise the achievement of children with SEND.
The key responsibilities as SENCO include:
- Overseeing the day to day operation of the school’s SEND policy
- Liaising with and advising teachers
- Managing the SEND team of teachers and learning support assistants
- Coordinating the provision for students with special educational needs
- Overseeing the records on all students with special educational needs
- Liaising with parents of students with special educational needs
- Contributing to the in-service training of staff
- Liaising with external support agencies
To get in contact, please ring the school reception on 01702 440000, and then ask to be put through to SEND.
Cecil Jones Academy - Miss S Chapman
send@ceciljones.netCecil Jones Academy SEND policyCecil Jones Academy SEND Information Report
Southend-On-Sea SEND Local Offer
The Learning Support Team
Our LSA’s make a valuable contribution to the achievements of students. They may attend a student’s care needs but a high proportion of their role is educational. The key responsibilities of the Co educators include:
Support for Students:
- To provide in class, small group or individual support
- To offer help, as appropriate, to any student experiencing difficulties
- To praise, encourage and develop positive relationships
- To foster the participation of students in the social and academic processes of the school
- To enable students to become more independent learners
- To help raise the standards and achievement for all students
Support for Teachers:
- To help develop effective collaborative working across the curriculum to support SEND students
- To assist in the preparation of teaching and learning materials for students with SEND
- To assist in the development and implementation of appropriate systems for recording the progress of students with SEND
- To assist in the management of the whole class
- To assist with display work
- To provide regular feedback to the SENCO
Support for the School:
- To promote home school liaison for students with SEND
- To contribute to review procedures for students with SEND
- To liaise with staff and other relevant professionals and provide information about students as appropriate
- To contribute to the evaluation of the school’s SEND policy and practice through discussions with relevant staff
- To attend appropriate in-service training provided by school or LEA
- To be aware of and follow school policies and procedures
- To participate in educational visits
- To attend meetings required for information, planning and development
- To respect confidentiality at all times
Aims and Ethos
At Cecil Jones we value all students equally. Our guiding principle is one of Inclusion. We want to identify and break down possible barriers to learning.
The aim of Cecil Jones SEND policy is to develop a system of support, which enables students with special educational needs to make the greatest possible progress. The support systems are based on comprehensive whole school systems of monitoring, assessment and intervention.
Objectives in making provision for pupils with SEND
- To ensure that all students including those with difficulties and disabilities have equal access to a broad, balanced curriculum which is differentiated to identify individual needs and abilities
- To ensure that all teachers are aware it is their responsibility to meet the special educational needs of students. In this they can draw on the resources of the whole school
- To ensure that every student has his or her particular needs recognised and addressed
- To seek the views of the student and involve him/her in the process of support
- To offer the high quality support to ensure that all student needs are met
- To fully involve parents/carers in the process of provision for the student
- To acknowledge and draw on parental knowledge and expertise in relation to their child
- To ensure the aims of education for students with difficulties and disabilities are the same as those for all students
- To maximise the opportunities for students with special educational needs to participate in all the activities of the school
- To enable all students to experience success
- To ensure that consideration of SEND crosses all curriculum areas and all aspect of teaching and learning
- To ensure that all teachers encompass the good special needs practice which is beneficial for all students
- To ensure awareness amongst staff that any student may encounter difficulties at some stage
Support for your learning
How can your family help you?
Support from home is vital for all students, including those with special education needs.
By listening to parents / carers we can understand students’ needs better.
By working in unison with them a strong framework of support can be provided to help students feel safe secure and ready to learn.
Parents / carers can help in the following ways, which may seem just everyday common things but are crucial to help young people succeed:
- Help your child to organise herself / himself
- Ask your child to keep books in one place at home
- Pack your child’s bag for school with her/him until this can be done independently, do this in the evening if possible
- Ask your child how the day at school went
- Ask them to show you some work and give them praise for what has been achieved
- If possible work with your child at home
- Encourage your child to give regular time to homework and look at her/his homework diary at least once a week
- Contact the school if you have any concerns about how your child is getting on
- Listen to your child read and help them to understand key words in different subjects and to learn their times tables
- Give plenty of praise and encouragement
Website to help students:
Provision for Students with SEND
We provide for a wide range of special educational needs and disabilities, divided into four broad areas. We recognise that students often have needs that cut across all these areas and their needs may change over time:
Communication and interaction
Cognition and learning
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
Sensory and/or physical needs
We are able to offer the following:
- Quality first teaching and learning
- In-class curriculum support
- Small group work
- Individual 1 to 1 work
- Form time and mentoring support
- Study Support at Key Stage 4
- Before school support work
- Lunchtime social club
- After school support work
Students with medical needs
The Academy is committed to ensuring that students with medical conditions are properly supported in school so that they can:
- play a full and active role in school life
- access and enjoy the same opportunities at school as any other child, including school trips and physical education
- remain healthy and safe
- achieve their academic potential
The Academy supports students with medical needs so that they can participate in all aspects of school life, including school trips.
- If a student has a medical need they will have a Care Plan which is compiled in consultation with parents under the guidance of the school nurse. The plan is discussed with all staff who are involved with the student.
- All staff receive regular medical training delivered by the school nurse team which is either delivered within school or centrally at Queens Hospital.
- Where necessary and in agreement with parents, medicines are administered in school but only with signed parental consent and with medicines in the original packaging.
See our Medical Needs Policy for more details
What support can students receive while taking tests and exams?
We follow the guidelines laid down by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). A student may be eligible for access arrangements (such as extra time, supervised rest breaks or use of a reader) if s/he meets certain pre-defined criteria.
For full information on access arrangements, click on the JCQ website: JCQ
Students who are on the SEND register are automatically tested to ascertain if they meet the criteria. Other students are nominated by parents or teachers. Only small numbers of students are granted permission to have special consideration for examinations. In this case, parents and students are informed well in advance of the examination.
Transition to Secondary Phase
The SENCO is fully involved in the transition from primary to secondary phase in order to support some of our most vulnerable students to make a smooth transition into Cecil Jones.
- Before starting in September, Year 6 students visit the Academy for a full induction day.
- In September, year 7 students begin the day early, before the rest of the school arrives. This helps them get used to the new building and to new lessons and routines.
- The SENCO visits feeder primary schools to discuss students with special educational needs. The SENCO will also meet parents and the child before the child starts at Cecil Jones.
Students who join the Academy mid-term visit once before starting. On this day they will have a comprehensive tour of the building. When joining they will be allocated a buddy who is in the same form group. The buddy will help them during their first few weeks.