
Year 8

“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them”

Chris Grosser

Year 8 is the start of a fantastic new year for our students.  They have scaled the walls of getting to know secondary school, jumped the hurdles of making new friends, and ran the track of learning what we expect from our students at Cecil Jones Academy.

Students have now settled in and established positive relationships with their peers and classroom teachers, and have learnt to support each other and celebrate each other’s successes.

This academic year brings a brand-new, exciting opportunity for students (and parents!) to continue to promote a love for learning, and a passion for setting and achieving goals.  Year 8 is a chance to develop resilience, collaboration, curiosity, and empathy: a skill set that will help them grow and become ambassadors within modern, British society, and successful in their careers, and personal lives to come.

Year 8 is an integral year, whereby our students will nurture their skills, and build on their achievement - ready for Year 9, when students will select their GCSE options to begin creating future education and career choices. This year is truly where our students make the decision to seize the opportunities presented to them in the classroom, the sports field, and beyond.

We aim to provide a stimulating and supportive environment conducive to learning and personal growth.  All students are actively supported and equally challenged in their learning, and all students can be recognised and rewarded for their hard work, progress, and exceptional achievements. We are keen to celebrate these with you!

In Year 8 students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum and take part in weekly PSHCE, careers and British Values lessons, whereby students are developed not just academically but socially and morally.

Continuing to develop independence is crucial this year and students are expected to be prepared with all the necessary equipment every day; making full and efficient use of their planners. The planners will allow students to record and track homework, as well as monitor their own attendance and punctuality. The planner is also a fantastic tool for communication between the school and home.

Every student at Cecil Jones is expected to have high standards of themselves, and we expect students to work and behave in the appropriate manner, following the school’s Code of Conduct and ‘being in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.’ Sanctions are used where students fail to meet our expectations, with students made to take responsibility for their actions. 

Students will be fully supported by all members of the academy – particularly through their year team, which includes myself, their tutor, and their YCT. Their YCT will be there throughout the day to provide emotional, social and behavioural support, and ensure students are always reaching their full potential.

We are keen to involve parents and carers in the learning of their children, and are always available to discuss any concerns or queries you may have about your child’s education and progress. Consistent communication and a solid home-school relationship are imperative.  There will be regular events, and contact made by the school to keep parents and carers informed and involved in the progress of their child.

The year ahead will undoubtedly challenge and stretch our students more than ever before.  We call on parents to assist and support us to continue our students’ passion for learning – to build a culture that lasts into the senior academic years, where students and parents aim for and expect excellence.  With support from our dedicated year team, the wider school, and parents, I am confident that it will be a very successful year with lots to celebrate.

Miss Connelly

Year 8 Achievement Team Leader

Y8 Tutor Organisation Chart April 2024 (1)